WASINI WASTE FREE self-help group:
founder & CEO Bilali Abdallah Bilali (SHG) Indian Ocean – South Kenya
His Idea com from the NGO “https://wastefree23.org/“
The board of Wasini Waste Free is composed as follows:
President – Bilali Abdalla Bilali (male)
Whats-App – Nr.: +254 743 456075
E-Mail: bilaliabdalla69@gmail.com
He is the founder and CEO of ‘WASINI WASTE FREE’, a SHG [self-help group] that has been certified by the relevant Kenyan authority.
Member of NADEUM HQ (Vienna – Austria/EU)
and project manager of the project ‘NKA-B WASSINI ISALND’ within the NGO branch NADEUM-KENYA-AFRICA

Treasurer – Mumina Rashid Mondo (Female)
If you would like to support Wasini Wast Free (SHG) with a donation or an amount of your choice, there has been an official bank account at EQUITY Bank since 7 February 2025.
Account: 0440 186 154 707
Secretary – Salim Amin Salim (Male)

Certificat of Registration Self help Group (SHG)Serial Nr -SHG:0032357
Wasini Island, an island in the Indian Ocean in southern Kenya, is no different from other places in the world when it comes to the problem of plastic waste washing up on the beaches of the world’s oceans.
Wasini Island is an excellent example of how the ‘Waste Free in 23’ community empowerment strategy can have a direct positive impact on the environment and people’s lives.
We visited the island and, like many places, plastic was strewn everywhere. Bilal told us that the community uses rainwater from the roofs of buildings for drinking water. I noticed that there were few gutters on the roofs and that they were not in good condition. Bilal said it was too expensive to buy and install gutters.
Plastic waste is not collected and gutters are needed to collect water and improve the quality of life.
The rainwater could be collected in sealed rain barrels to prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs and to allow residents to collect their own drinking water, as there is not enough drinking and process water for the islanders of Wasini.
The portable waste free in 23 micro recycling center for plastics can be loaned to wasini island. 1 waste free in 23 mirco recycling center can accept all plastic waste that is scattered around the island..the majority of the plastic can be turned into 640 meters of rain gutter per day. If volunteers collected the waste and operated the equipment the only cost would be transport of the equipment and 2000ksh per day for electricity.
Equipment cost is $2000..can be built in mombasa and has a service life of at least 3 years.
Putting rain gutters on a 7m x 7m house is more than 1,000 ksh. he thought the family would happily pay 300ksh.
If volunteeres operating the equipment..the cost for the gutters they make from the trash would be 100 ksh for the electricity. 640 meters will provide gutters for approximately 20 homes per day.
For 100ksh each home can begin collecting rainwater for their fresh water needs..vs. 1,000ksh using virgin materials that uses more power and more transportation pollution than a recycled material solution. Plus some of the plastic laying around the island invariably ends up in the ocean..damaging the mangroves, fish, coral. tourism!
It would be great to discuss with those of you who are interested in how we can plan to support wasini island to become waste free.
NADEUM-Member [HeadQuarter]
Mr. Bilali Abdallah Bilali
in Cooperation with WastFree23
I do everything by myself of which is difficult but I hope through Nadeum will expand to advance recycling technology and receive lots of connections.

-Plastic/waste Pollution
-Climate disabalisation
-Empowering Young Women
-Gender roles and Gender Based Violence,have sent something about this on your email.
-Innovation and Sustainability