Members of the project team > [MPT]
Project Number 003 Motivation to do and not to wait
Light Your Fire; [by Jack Canfield]; Master Programme [by Adler Social Competence Training]. Andreas G. Andiel will accompany the participants through the training and provide them with support and feedback for as long as necessary, even after the training has ended.
Mag. Andreas G. Andiel
ACAPMUSSC-MYC Project Number 004:
ACAPMUSSC-MYC => A (African Community) – AP (Action Program) – MUS (Mobility of University Students) – SC (Skilled Craftspeople) – M (migrants) – Y (young people /Youth) – C (children)
It is a team effort of all African NADEUM members. They are in West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa and the North. Unfortunately, we have not succeeded in finding and motivating Africans from the south of the continent to get involved here.
Andrew Okpegoro, Yussif Ismael Makram, Amudo Amugili Koroma, Denis Cheruiyot Mitei, Eli Kiprono Yebei, Ebeneza Kipngetich, Barnaba Osman Kwanjeli, Moses Nbongorlii Brimaganda Moses , …
Project Number P005 Plasticwaste isn’t a problem than we have a solution
Since 2012, our goal has been to tackle the problem of plastic pollution worldwide. Now we have realised that we, NADEUM, are too small to bring this challenge to a temporary end. By a lucky coincidence, we got to know the Kenyan Bilali Abdalla from Wasini Island in the south of Kenya through the current social platforms. He had the big problem that his home, the Wasini Islands in southern Kenya, almost on the border with Tanzania, is completely littered and flooded with plastic waste. Every time the wind picks up, it blows all the plastic waste from the Indian Ocean onto the island. It is likely that enough plastic waste also comes from Mombasa along the coast to Wasini Island near the Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park.
Our man on Wasini Island is called Bilali Abdalla and has been trying for a long time to make the islanders aware that plastic waste is neither healthy nor beautiful. With appropriate financial support, he would like to set up a small business to tackle plastic waste. He is our man in East Africa and thus the CEO responsible for plastic reduction and recycling in this part of the world.
Andreas Gams, Bilali Abdalla Bilali, Bord of NADEUM
Peace-Roadmaps Project Number P006:
This is the responsibility of the NADEUM board. Within this framework, we develop roadmaps for problem states on how they can find a solution to their national and other problems. The states that have adopted this are in East Africa and, more recently, in the Levant.
Andreas G Andiel, Georg-Josef Scherbaum. Barnaba Osman Kwanjeli
Numbers that were used in the past but are currently inactive.
Project numbers P007 to P011 are in preparation and currently inactive. P007 concerns a NADEEM transparency label that is to describe states as well as companies of all structures and products in such a way that the consumer, however, also the employee and the environment remain as natural as possible in this label and do not harm the environment, but support the consumer with a higher level of protection and also support the economy in acting sustainably. P008, P009, P010 and P011 are free numbers and can be assigned in future projects.
solution-oriented peace roadmap P012
Like project P006, project P012 aims to sensitise and motivate African NADEUM members to create a solution-oriented peace roadmap for their country. This has already been implemented by a Sudanese, Mr Barnaba Osman Kwanjeli, and handed over to former and active UN employees from Sudan for Sudan. Preparations are under way for other African states, and our motivation means that their citizens are ready to take on this task.
Projects P013 and P014 were active, however, they are currently on hold because the political and economic situation on the Arabian Peninsula is, in our view, too confusing.
Agenda ‘lebenswertes 1150-WEST – P015
The project with the number P015 is called Agenda ‘lebenswertes 1150-WEST’ and works together with the district administration. Since Vienna wants to become a climate-friendly city by 2030, 2040 and 2050 at the latest, and the EU actively supports all climate-related projects, a great deal is being implemented in this direction. P015 would like to more or less calm the outermost part of Rudolfhaus – Fünfhaus and, through structural changes, enable the so-called streets, where only 30 km/h should actually be driven, to do so, as well as more real intersections of one-way streets, reduce the speed of drivers and enable more greenery, i.e. trees.
Georg-Josef Scherbaum
which were actually in use from 2015 to 2018. >P016 – P020<
Here, too, we see the numbers P016 to P020, which were actually in use from 2015 to 2018. They were about the flow of refugees to Europe, the Kurds in the autonomous region of Iraq and in Syria in Rojava. All these projects have been put on hold because, as so often happens, the global political situation has changed in such a way that these ideas have been put on ice.
Marcus Grimas
The current project is P021.
The current project is P021. Here, excellent teachers try to make African children fit for the future through primary and secondary schools. More information will be available soon.
André Lutula-Lefis, Kiza Echisco